Welcome to Thunderchild First Nation

An independent Cree First Nations band government in Turtleford, Saskatchewan, Canada with no affiliation with any Tribal Council and is located approximately 113 kilometers northwest of North Battleford. 


Treaty 6 Agricultural Benefits:

- Adult Beneficiary Form 

- Minor Beneficiary Form


Click Below for Thunderchild First Nation Citizen Application Forms


 Application for Membership and on behalf of a minor.

 Thunderchild First Nation Citizenship Application.


General Announcement

Thunderchild 55th Annual Pow-Wow

Read More July 26,2024

General Announcement

Government to Exempt Per Capita Distribution Payments

The Government of Saskatchewan announced today it is updating its approach to Per …

Read More November 23,2023

General Announcement

SLC Trust PCD Announcement


Read More October 16,2023

Upcoming Events

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